Nine of Shoes
Formalwear separates the metrosexual from his less fabulous contemporaries. In fact, tuxedo ownership may be the Maginot Line separating the province of metrosexuality from regular-old-hetguy land. Owning a tux signals so much: you actually like -- and, *gasp* even plan for -- dressy/traditional occasions (um, weddings, awards ceremonies, a night at the opera); you're willing to spend thousands of dollars on an outfit you might only wear once a year; you're secure enough -- and nimble-fingered enough -- to don cufflinks, a cummerbund and bow-tie; you don't resent formality. Manly-men might scoff at black tie as superficial, insubstantial, a pose. That's why they're despised by their dates. As a metro, you understand that sometimes, clothes do make the man -- or at the very least, they make the definitive statement of what kind of man you are. Style counts.
Meaning: Tradition, protocol, special occasion.
Reversed: Affectation, insecurity.
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