Pink Slips and Spam
I am mad
I am mad
Mad I am
Little Tommy sleepy-head
Will you get up out of bed?
Your company is in the red
Little Tommy sleepy head
I will not get up out of bed
The guy on NPR he said
The New Economy is dead
No I will not get out of bed
Will you click my url?
please click it now I want to sell
Click it! Click it! Click! I yell
So will you click my url?
I will not click your url
I will not click your things to sell
I won't click banner ads as well
I will not click, I'm mad as hell
I had a dot-com company
I had a ton of equity
I had a job but now I see
my layoff on fuckedcompany
Do you like fuckedcompany?
I do not like it, actually
I do not like it when I see
my layoff on fuckedcompany
Will you still work for shares of stock?
I will not work for shares of stock
Your equity is just a crock
I will not work for shares of stock.
Not peer-to-peer! Not B2B!
Not Open Source or B2G!
Diluted shares are not for me
I will not work for equity!
When would you like your pink slip, then?
Your cubicle at at half past ten?
I would not like it there or then
I would not like it anywhen
I would not like it after noon
I would not like it very soon
I would not like it in my cube
I would not like it in a tube
I would not like it in my beemer
or handed to me by a lemur
I would not like it in my chai
or from that stupid dot-com guy
I would not like it with a pie
I would not like it with a lie
with email, pager, conference call
I don't want that pink slip at all
Will you be landing on you feet?
Will you be living on the street?
I cannot say for sure as my
portfolio is running dry
Did you buy stock in Amazon?
I did buy stock in Amazon
and now my shares are in the john
I hate my shares of Amazon
Well, here's your pink slip, sorry dude
leave quietly and don't be rude
I hope you lose the attitude
and learn to say, "will work for food"
Say! I do like being unemployed
I like not being so annoyed
I like to hang at Starbucks then
to stay in bed till half past ten
Say! I like not working every night
until the early morning light
I like not chasing after bucks
and venture capitalist fucks
Glad I am!
Glad I am!
I am glad!